Klei is a store in London selling handcrafted ceramics by locally based independent makers and we have been following them for quite some time as we've admired their progress throughout the years. So, when we booked a last minute trip to London for vacation, we knew we had to drop by Klei and it did not disappoint one bit. We even managed to ask some questions to Klei's founder, Skye Corewijn.

Wave pudding bowls by Skye herself
Klei is really such a wonderful physical space for ceramic lovers! Since you are a potter, was setting up Klei just a natural progression?
I actually set up Klei in 2018 with my friend Jess Jos, who is also a potter. There was a little space opening in Netil Market in East London and we thought, why not try our hand at a little ceramics shop or gallery? At that time, we were selling our work at a few ceramics markets around London so we thought of having a regular space instead of running around the city a couple times every month.

We decided to open a physical store because we wanted to make our lives difficult for one. But jokes aside, pottery is so tactile and so much has to do with how it feels and works in your hands so a physical space still plays an important role for us!
Your partner, Jess, stepped back from Klei a couple of years ago for her own reasons and you have been running Klei ever since. What is the biggest difference between working with a partner and flying solo with Klei?
It was so much fun doing it with Jess and it was her idea to begin with actually. However, running Klei is very time consuming and she needed to step back to make more space for her making and teaching.

Initially, I thought to give it another year as Klei had just began to grow but fast forward 3 years later and I'm still doing it! It's still quite fun, just in a different way. It definitely is a lot of work and I couldn't do it without Louise who helps in the shop. But, flying solo just means decision-making is quick, easy and streamlined.
So, are you running Klei full time now?
No, even though now I run Klei alone, I have some amazing women who work in the space and deal with the day-to-day errands. I am mostly found in my studio making pots, and occasionally teach throwing as well.

Slip-decorated cups by Russell Kingston
Running a 'multi-brand' ceramics shop comes with its own unique set of challenges and we think that the hardest would be the curation of the products. How do you curate the pottery that you sell in your shop?
Generally, I kind of go with pottery that I like. I invite guests whose work I admire and whose work will bring with it a conversation about ceramics to Klei. For example, different firing methods like wood firing or different mediums like terracotta slipware and salt firing. This year, the guest artist roster is absolutely lit - wild clay, delicately painted stoneware and other interesting techniques!
Indeed, we are really quite impressed with the range of ceramics Klei has! I would say that Klei has grown to be a well-known handmade ceramics shop in London. What would be your proudest moment for Klei and the biggest challenge you’ve faced running Klei?
My proudest moment would have to be when everyone came along to celebrate the moving to our new space on Hackney Road. I felt so proud and supported - it was great!
In terms of the biggest challenge, it would be the juggling of my making and being able to give Klei the attention it needs to grow. And figuring out how to take it to the next level and have more people find out about us with no budget for marketing and PR ha!

Running a retail store has quite a notorious reputation almost anywhere in the world. And here you are, running a physical retail store that sells handcrafted ceramics! How do you stay relevant or keep up with trends when pottery is infamous for being a slow activity?
Oh yes, overhead costs for physical spaces are absolutely awful. This system is really not built for small independent shops or galleries buying work from small scale/independent makers. The business growth can be a blessing and a royal pain in the butt.

Honestly, in terms of keeping up with trends, I have no idea! I think we are just staying true to stocking a variety of well made, quality work. Ceramics are timeless, I don't think of trends when buying pots. I just know what I like, what’s well made and what's interesting.
Lastly, where do you see Klei in 5 years time?
Who knows, hopefully still around exhibiting beautiful pots.
If you are in London and want to drop by Klei, here are the details:
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the snaps we took of Klei below!

Teapot by Francis Lloyd-Jones against the lovely street view

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